I was Googling the *Rekka Bellum* (who wrote a diary about sailing from Japan to Canada on a boat called *Pino*) and I saw a cute little thing on their webpage where links are stylized…
Well thats cool! How do I do that then there has to be a better way than manually inserting of them. So I googled and learned a bit of CSS. I can make things look a bit like Org mode now even when it really isn’t. That’s cool!
a::before { content: "〚"; } a::after { content: "〛"; } h1::before { content: "﹡ "; } h2::before { content: "﹡﹡ "; } h3::before { content: "﹡ ﹡ ﹡ "; } li::before { content: "⁃ "; }
Okay the `li` one isn’t working yet but I learned something new. Yay CSS!